Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Obama Adminstration Releases New Data on Making Home Affordable Program, Incldues State-Specific Modifications to Date

 Today, the Obama Administration released the next monthly report for the Making Home Affordable (MHA) loan modification program. As part of an ongoing commitment to transparency, the report includes for the first time state-specific trial modification numbers. With more than 650,000 modifications under way across the country, the program is on track to meet its goals over the next several years.
“As this report demonstrates, struggling homeowners in every state now benefit from reduced monthly mortgage payments and have an opportunity to stay in their homes,” said Treasury Assistant Secretary Michael S. Barr.  “The program is having a pronounced impact in areas particularly hard hit by the housing crisis. We’re reaching borrowers at a larger scale than any other modification program to date, but there is still much more work to be done.”

If you are a homeowner who is current on your mortgage payments but unable to refinance to a lower interest rate because your home value has decreased, you may be able to refinance.

Below is the link to check your eligibility:

Are You Eligible?


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